Welcome to The Sixth Day of Chanukah at JewishPath
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Light Six Candles

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Happy Chanukah!

Tonight is the sixth night of Chanukah. We light six candles and say two Blessings after dark. This is Erev Yom Sheini {01-10-5768}. This is the beginning of a new month. Good Chodesh! First we light the server candle {The Shamis Candle} in the center to use as a lighter for our sixth, fifth, fourth, third, second and first candles. We light the sixth, candle (that is the sixth candle from the right, not including the Shamis candle), then we light the fifth, fourth, third, second and first candles afterwards.

Print out the Blessings - Please be very careful with this printout it has the Holy Names of the Creator printed on it. Be careful not to drop it or set anything on it. Keep it in a safe place. When you are finsished using it please return it to:

B'nai Noach Torah Institute
POB 1075
Georgetown, Colorado 80444-1075 USA

First Blessing over the lighting of the candle...
Blessed are you O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us through His commandments and commanded us to kindle the Chanukah lights.

Say the Blessing in Hebrew

Second Blessing in remerance of the miracles...
Blessed are you O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who brought miracles for our ancestors, in those days at this time {of year}.

Say the Blessing in Hebrew

The Night Before Chanukah
'Twas the night before Chanukah, boichiks and maidels
Not a sound could be heard, not even the dreidels
The menorah was set by the chimney alight
In the kitchen, the Bubbie was hopping a bite
Salami, Pastrami, a glaisele tay
And zoyere pickles mit bagels-- Oy vay!
Gezint and geschmock the kinderlach felt
While dreaming of taiglach and Chanukah gelt
The alarm clock was sitting, a kloppin' and tickin'
And Bubbie was carving a shtickele chicken
A tummel arose, like the wildest k'duchas
Santa had fallen right on his tuchas!
I put on my slippers, ains, tzvay, drei
While Bubbie was eating herring on rye
I grabbed for my bathrobe and buttoned my gottkes
And Bubbie was just devouring the latkes
To the window I ran, and to my surprise
A little red yarmulka greeted my eyes.
When he got to the door and saw the menorah
'Yiddishe kinder,' he cried, 'Kenahorah!'
I thought I was in a Goyishe hoise!
As long as I'm here, I'll leave a few toys.
'Come into the kitchen, I'll get you a dish
Mit a gupel, a leffel, and a shtickele fish.'
With smacks of delight he started his fressen
Chopped liver, knaidlach, and kreplach gegessen
Along with his meal he had a few schnapps
When it came to eating, this boy sure was tops
He asked for some knishes with pepper and salt
But they were so hot he yelled out 'Gevalt!'
He loosened his hoysen and ran from the tish
'Your koshereh meals are simply delish!'
As he went through the door he said 'See y'all later
I'll be back next Pesach in time for the seder!'
So, hutzmir and zeitzmir and 'Bleibtz mir gezint'
he called out cheerily into the wind.
More rapid than eagles, his prancers they came
As he whistled and shouted and called them by name
'Come, Izzie, now Moishe, now Yossel and Sammy!
On Oyving, and Maxie, and Hymie and Manny!'
He gave a geshrai, as he drove out of sight
'A gut yontiff to all, and to all a good night!'

Happy Chanukah!


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